Basic - Volume 3
Welcome to volume 3 of Attraction Control Monthly, and congratulations for making it to the third month.
What we want to share with you in this volume will complement everything you’ve ever learnt about love and relationships.
In this volume, we’re going to talk about the 3 contradicting types of LOVE!
You see, love isn’t just love. Love can mean a lot of things, it can even encompass a lot of different feelings. And so you don’t want to misunderstand and misinterpret someone else’s ideas of love for your own definition of love.
And what is really interesting is that once you start to understand why there are these 3 types of love and how they can actually change someone’s biochemistry and behaviour, you’ll start to understand why men do some of the crazy things they do.
You’ll start to have a deeper understanding of why it’s easy for men to come on strong and then disappear very quickly. Why certain commitment phobic men won’t commit to anyone until a certain type of woman shows up. Why men can seemingly be in a relationship but still not want to commit emotionally.
My hope for you is that at the end of this volume, you’ll start to understand how these 3 very different types and pathways of love affect not just your feelings, but a man’s thoughts, feelings and actions.
So go ahead, download the volume 3. We have really enjoyed putting together for you these transformational insights, and we hope you enjoy the new awareness and power they give you.
Click below to download the third volume of Attraction Control Monthly. It is recommended that you save this to your computer by clicking and choosing “Save As”.
Oh, and by the way, we’ve had so much positive feedback about the Private Thoughts last month…
So we’re going to share with you another volume of Private Thoughts, absolutely free. The reason being… we want you to get as many insights as possible when it comes to men's thoughts and feelings!
D.Shen will share his personal thoughts and views this month on the two driving forces of most men… “FEAR & GREED”.
So below you can also download this month's “Private Thoughts” Bonus Edition.
So go ahead and download all that.
We really hope you enjoy all the great information we sent for you.
It’s been our pleasure to put it all together, and we hope you take pleasure in digesting all the new information and insights!
One last thing, we have a very important concept that we want to share with you next month!!!
If you’ve ever felt that the chemistry or the spark with a man has slowly died… If you don’t want men to lose attraction and (get sick of you) over time…
Then you have to understand this one simple yet profound concept! We won’t spoil what exactly it is, but tune in next month, we will share with you exactly why this concept is considered so critical!
So stay with us, and we look forward to seeing you here again next month!
Shen wade media
We believe that every single one of us deserves love. We deserve to experience the feelings of warmth, connectedness and passion. It is our mission to give you the strength, the skills and the wisdom to achieve that for yourself, even if you have just hit rock bottom and lost all faith.
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